
    Publications (ORCID)


    Technology Innovation "Ecosystems" in China and Detroit. (forthcoming)


    Fonda-Bonardi, A. 2017. “ ‘Sustainable’ reframed: How China’s cities and companies are moving from data to decisions, from trees to forests, and from pixels to platforms, and how they can play with technologists and data artists.” Technoetic Arts, 15(3), 297-310.


    Cai, TYC., RG. Eccles, A. Fonda-Bonardi, and PY Guo. 2016. “Environmental Disclosure in China.” Solutions Journal, 7(2), 58-62.



    Honors & Awards


    UM Rackham International Research Award (RIRA) (2024)

    UM Lieberthal-Rogel Summer Travel and Research Fellowship in China Studies (2024)

    Student Paper Award, Runner Up. 19th Chinese Internet Research Conference (CIRC) 2022. Paper: "How Chinese internet tech corporations morphed into financial institutions—and back again". (May 24, 2022)

    UM Malik Award (2022)

    UM Ross China Research Award (2022-2023)

    National Bureau of Asian Research (NBR) Chinese Language Fellowship Program (2022-2023) (declined)

    UM Lieberthal-Rogel Summer Travel and Research Fellowship in China Studies (2022)

    China-U.S. Scholars Program (CUSP) Fellowship (2021-2022) (link) ; Professional Development Grant (2023)

    UM Jean A. Forrest Award (2020 & 2021)

    Compton Mentor Fellowship (2011-2012)

    Fulbright-Hayes Language Grant (2009-2010)

    David Love Memorial Fellowship, Oberlin College (2010)



    Conferences and Public Presentations


    Guest Lecture. “Standard Messiness in AI/MLTechno-promise: An Environmental Data Case Study”. Michigan Technological
    University, Philosophy of Technology course. Online. 2023.12.05   

    Conference paper. "Standard Messiness in AI/ML Techno-promise: An Environmental Data Case Study" Society for the Social Studies of Science (4S) Annual Meeting. Honolulu, Hawaii. 2023.11.10


    Presentation. “Big Tech’s Financial Structures—Where to Begin, Where to End?” Society for the Social Studies of Science (4S) Annual Meeting and 2nd Joint Meeting 4S/ESOCITE: Reunion, recuperation, reconfiguration—Knowledges and technosciences for living together. Panel: Sociotechnical Dimensions of Markets. Universidad Ibero-Americana. Puebla, Cholula, Mexico. Remote due to Covid. 2022.12.07.


    Presentation.** “Caves and Islands: How server farms and tax havens undergird corporate internet platforms” Association of Internet Researchers (AoIR) 2022 Annual Meeting: Decolonising the Internet. Panel: Data Infrastructures. Technological University Dublin, Grangegorman. Dublin, Ireland. **Uncredited academic (video) presentation of accepted paper: disallowed from credited presentation due to travel restrictions (quarantine in China) and conference policies prohibiting remote credited presentations. 2022.11.04.


    Conference paper. “No Relation? How internet technology investors got outside tech production” in the 5th annual Finance and Society Network (FSN) conference: Intersections. City, University of London. London, UK. Remote due to Covid. 2022.09.15.


    Presentation. “The Case for Focusing on the Boring: Exploring Chinese and US Tech Corporations through their Financial Disclosures”. Oxford Media Policy Summer Institute, Oxford Programme in Comparative Media Law and Policy (PCMLP). Oxford University, UK. 2022.08.12


    Conference paper. “What Investors See: Intervening in Corporate-Built Algorithmic Systems” Track N: Finance and Society, in the 34th Annual Meeting of the Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics (SASE). Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Remote due to Covid. 2022.07.10.


    Conference paper. “How Chinese internet tech corporations morphed into financial institutions—and back again” 19th Chinese Internet Research Conference (CIRC): China and the Future of the Internet. Hong Kong. Online due to Covid. 2022.05.23-24.


    Presentation. Panel on Expertise: “(Revised) Chinese Internet Technology Giants: How Financial Institutions Became PRC Tech Corporations, and Back Again.” Science and Technology Studies Rackham Interdisciplinary Workshop. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. Online due to Covid. 2021.11.08

    Presentation. “Categories and Data Science in Urban Complexity.” National Autonomous University of México (UNAM) School of Architecture Sustainable Infrastructures Initiative – Strengthening Capacities for Energy Efficiency in Buildings in Latin America. (CEELA) Funded by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation. (SDC) Digital course for urban planners, designers, architects, and engineers in Latin America. 2021.11.04

    Presentation. “Chinese Internet Technology Giants: How Financial Institutions Became PRC Tech Corporations, and Back Again.” Lieberthal-Rogel Center for Chinese Studies (LRCCS) Interdisciplinary Workshop. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. Online due to Covid. 2021.10.04

    Keynote. “Building an innovation-led fast track to environmental, social, and governance (ESG) investment.” (以创新视角建立ESG投资市场快速轨道的若干建议) Sino-German Sustainability Summit. Beijing, China. 2019.06.27

    Lecture. “Drivers of change in ESG marketplaces in China and Europe.” Swissnex Science Diplomacy Series: Sustainable Investment Along the Belt and Road: Comparative Perspectives. Swiss Science Consulate. Shanghai, China. 2019.07.16

    Lecture. “An Overview of Environmental, Social and Governance information disclosure in China.” (建行研究院ESG课题内部研讨会第一期) China Construction Bank. Beijing, China. 2019.02.20





    University of Michigan School of Information. Doctoral degree in progress.
    UM Ford School Science, Technology & Public Policy (STPP) Graduate Certificate.
    UM Science, Technology & Society (STS) Graduate Certificate.

    MIT Course 11. Masters of Urban Planning (MCP).
    MIT Sloan School of Management. Course 15. Sustainability Certificate.
    Oberlin College. Environmental Studies & Individual Major. Phi Beta Kappa.


    University of Michigan School of Information (UMSI) Bio 



    Recent Doings


    Oxford Media Policy Summer Institute, Oxford Programme in Comparative Media Law and Policy (PCMLP) (August 1-12, 2022). Oxford University, UK.


    ACM Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency (ACM FAccT) 2022 Doctoral Consortium (June 21, 2022). Seoul, South Korea. Online.


    History of Science Society (HSS) Editorial Practicum. September—December 2021. Editorial mentorship program participant at the HSS Journal. Online.
    Histories of Artificial Intelligence Mellon Sawyer Seminar Series. Participant. May—December 2021. Online. Facilitated by Cambridge University History of AI program.

    China Reading Group. Participant. May 2021—present. Online. Facilitated by University of Michigan Lieberthal-Rogel Center for Chinese Studies.


    ACM Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency (ACM FAccT) 2021 Doctoral Consortium (March 4, 2021). Online.

    Data Feminism Reading Group. Participant. May—June 2020. Online. Facilitated by Lauren F. Klein and Catherine D’Ignazio